1 Introduction

The tidyverse has quickly developed over the last years. Its first implementation as a collection of partly older packages was in the second half of 2016. All its packages “share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.”1 It is for sure difficult to tell, if “learning the tidyverse” is a hard task, since the result of this assessment might differ from person to person. We do believe though, that there are concepts in its approach, which – when grasped – have the potential to increase one’s productivity, since code creation will seem more natural. While this might be true for all languages (once you speak it well enough, things go smoothly), in our opinion the tidyverse worth exploring in depth, since it is

  1. consistent: an especially well designed framework that aims at making data analysis and programming intuitive,
  2. evolving: constantly deepened understanding for challenges arising in modern data analysis leads to improving ergonomic user interfaces.

This section gives a brief overview, introduces the data used for the course, and offers a refresher for tidy data manipulation and visualization.

1.1 Overview

This course covers several topics, which everyone working more intently with the tidyverse almost inevitably needs to deal with at some point or another. The topics are organized in chapters that contain mostly R code with output and text. In each section, exercises are provided.

Each subsection corresponds to an R script in the script directory in the sister repository on GitHub. For example, the code from the next section 1.2 can be found in 12-intro.R. Clone or download the repository and open the R-workshop.Rproj file to run the script. (It is important to open the .Rproj file and not only the .R scripts.)

  1. Function basics

    structuring the code to avoid too much copy-pasting

    Using functions to structure code. This part is independent of the subsequent section.

    • We begin with how to define and execute a function
    • Discussion of a function’s arguments (from both the developers’ and the users’ perspective)
    • A few words on function design
  2. Simple iteration

    processing multiple files that contain different parts of the same dataset

    This part introduces iteration and is independent of the previous section.

    • How to get from a list or a vector to a tibble and vice-versa
    • Indexing for vectors and lists
    • Applying a function to each element of a list or a vector
  3. Pairwise iteration and nesting

    More advanced iteration.

    • Simultaneously feed two or more separate lists of inputs into a function working with those two arguments
    • Iterate rowwise through columns in a tibble
    • Nested tibbles, a very powerful concept
  4. Scoping and flow control

    More advanced functional concepts.

    • Data lifecycle
    • Purity
    • Control flow
    • Metaprogramming
  5. Non-rectangular data

    working with raw data from online services (JSON)

    Processing hierarchical lists as commonly returned from web APIs.

    • Data lifecycle
    • Purity
    • Control flow
    • Metaprogramming
  6. Tidy evaluation

    writing functions that work with datasets of different shape


1.2 Review of visualization and data transformation

This section is a refresher for visualization and data transformation in the tidyverse. Readers familiar with the first half or R for data science will recognize the concepts repeated here. The data used throughout this course is presented, plotted and briefly analyzed.

The code in each chapter is self-contained. The code in each section is also self-contained, but the necessary setup code is hidden and can be expanded with a click. We will always load the following packages:


Functions from other packages may be used with the :: notation.

1.2.1 Data

We will be working with hourly measurements of weather data (link to data documentation) in four cities (Berlin, Toronto, Tel Aviv and Zurich) between 2019-04-28, 3pm and 2019-04-30, 3pm. Thus we have 49 observations in each city. Variables are:

  • time
  • summary (how to describe the weather in one word)
  • icon (mix of description of weather plus time of day)
  • precipIntensity (intensity of precipitation [mm/h])
  • precipProbability
  • temperature
  • apparentTemperature
  • dewPoint
  • humidity
  • pressure
  • windSpeed
  • windGust
  • windBearing (direction in degrees)
  • cloudCover
  • uvIndex
  • visibility
  • ozone
  • precipType

Reading in the data, which is stored in MS Excel-Files:

berlin <- readxl::read_excel(here("data/weather", "berlin.xlsx"))
toronto <- readxl::read_excel(here("data/weather", "toronto.xlsx"))
tel_aviv <- readxl::read_excel(here("data/weather", "tel_aviv.xlsx"))
zurich <- readxl::read_excel(here("data/weather", "zurich.xlsx"))

Create one larger tibble from the four smaller ones:

weather_data <- bind_rows(
  berlin = berlin,
  toronto = toronto,
  tel_aviv = tel_aviv,
  zurich = zurich,
  .id = "city_code"

1.2.2 Exploration

## # A tibble: 196 x 19
##   city_code time                summary icon  precipIntensity
##   <chr>     <dttm>              <chr>   <chr>           <dbl>
## 1 berlin    2019-04-28 15:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## 2 berlin    2019-04-28 16:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## 3 berlin    2019-04-28 17:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## # … with 193 more rows, and 14 more variables: precipProbability <dbl>,
## #   temperature <dbl>, apparentTemperature <dbl>, dewPoint <dbl>,
## #   humidity <dbl>, pressure <dbl>, windSpeed <dbl>, windGust <dbl>,
## #   windBearing <dbl>, cloudCover <dbl>, uvIndex <dbl>, visibility <dbl>,
## #   ozone <dbl>, precipType <chr>

Example plot of humidity vs. pressure (geom_path() ensures that points are connected according to their order in the tibble):

weather_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = pressure, y = humidity, color = city_code)) +

Barplots of number of occurences of each kind of weather per city:

weather_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = city_code)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = summary))

weather_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = city_code)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = summary), position = position_dodge2("dodge", preserve = "single"))

Lineplot with different line types and an additional visualisation of the line range (here, difference between apparent and actual temperature):

weather_data %>%
  select(city_code, time, temperature, apparentTemperature) %>%
  gather(kind, temperature, -city_code, -time)
## # A tibble: 392 x 4
##   city_code time                kind        temperature
##   <chr>     <dttm>              <chr>             <dbl>
## 1 berlin    2019-04-28 15:00:00 temperature        13.4
## 2 berlin    2019-04-28 16:00:00 temperature        13.6
## 3 berlin    2019-04-28 17:00:00 temperature        14.1
## # … with 389 more rows
temperature_data <-
  weather_data %>%
  select(city_code, time, temperature, apparentTemperature) %>%
  gather(kind, temperature, -city_code, -time) %>%
  mutate(apparent = (kind == "apparentTemperature")) %>%

## # A tibble: 392 x 4
##   city_code time                temperature apparent
##   <chr>     <dttm>                    <dbl> <lgl>   
## 1 berlin    2019-04-28 15:00:00        13.4 FALSE   
## 2 berlin    2019-04-28 16:00:00        13.6 FALSE   
## 3 berlin    2019-04-28 17:00:00        14.1 FALSE   
## # … with 389 more rows
temperature_data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, color = city_code)) +
  geom_linerange(data = weather_data, aes(ymin = temperature, ymax = apparentTemperature)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = apparent, y = temperature))

Relation of temperature difference between actual and apparent temperature (cf. line range in last plot) with wind speed, shown as scatter plot.

weather_data %>%
  mutate(apparentTemperatureReduction = temperature - apparentTemperature) %>%
  filter(city_code != "tel_aviv") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = windSpeed, y = apparentTemperatureReduction)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = city_code))

1.2.3 Further dplyr transformations

If you want to compare measurements of the same observable at two different points in time, maybe the most straightforward way to do so is to create a new column with an appropriate lag:

weather_data %>%
  group_by(city_code) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(temperature, pressure, humidity), list(lag = lag)) %>%
## # A tibble: 196 x 22
##   city_code time                summary icon  precipIntensity
##   <chr>     <dttm>              <chr>   <chr>           <dbl>
## 1 berlin    2019-04-28 15:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## 2 berlin    2019-04-28 16:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## 3 berlin    2019-04-28 17:00:00 Mostly… part…               0
## # … with 193 more rows, and 17 more variables: precipProbability <dbl>,
## #   temperature <dbl>, apparentTemperature <dbl>, dewPoint <dbl>,
## #   humidity <dbl>, pressure <dbl>, windSpeed <dbl>, windGust <dbl>,
## #   windBearing <dbl>, cloudCover <dbl>, uvIndex <dbl>, visibility <dbl>,
## #   ozone <dbl>, precipType <chr>, temperature_lag <dbl>,
## #   pressure_lag <dbl>, humidity_lag <dbl>

Count observations per category or combinations of categories:

weather_data %>%
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
##   city_code     n
##   <chr>     <int>
## 1 berlin       49
## 2 tel_aviv     49
## 3 toronto      49
## 4 zurich       49
weather_data %>%
  count(city_code, summary)
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##   city_code summary           n
##   <chr>     <chr>         <int>
## 1 berlin    Clear            17
## 2 berlin    Mostly Cloudy    11
## 3 berlin    Overcast         18
## # … with 12 more rows

Use summarize() to create a tibble with mean and maximum temperature for each city:

weather_data %>%
  group_by(city_code) %>%
  summarize(temperature_mean = mean(temperature), temperature_max = max(temperature)) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   city_code temperature_mean temperature_max
##   <chr>                <dbl>           <dbl>
## 1 berlin               12.5            20.0 
## 2 tel_aviv             22.6            28.8 
## 3 toronto               6.39            9.99
## 4 zurich                7.15           14.3

Compute and display summary data for all numeric variables:

weather_data %>%
  group_by(city_code) %>%
  summarize_if(is.numeric, list(mean = mean, sd = sd, min = min, max = max)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  gather(key, value, -city_code) %>%
  separate(key, into = c("indicator", "fun")) %>%
  xtabs(value ~ city_code + indicator + fun, .) %>%
##                               fun           max          mean           min            sd
## city_code indicator                                                                      
## berlin    apparentTemperature       19.98000000   11.62836735    3.45000000    5.07360997
##           cloudCover                 1.00000000    0.59734694    0.00000000    0.42339292
##           dewPoint                  10.18000000    5.23632653    1.88000000    2.45837742
##           humidity                   0.88000000    0.63448980    0.35000000    0.15571156
##           ozone                    378.04000000  343.34571429  319.68000000   21.60874350
##           precipIntensity            0.34800000    0.03084286    0.00000000    0.07902264
##           precipProbability          0.54000000    0.06000000    0.00000000    0.13913423
##           pressure                1020.48000000 1018.71714286 1016.10000000    1.19202733
##           temperature               19.98000000   12.49795918    6.14000000    4.10004115
##           uvIndex                    5.00000000    1.24489796    0.00000000    1.61413821
##           visibility                16.09000000   15.77102041   10.01000000    1.13380672
##           windBearing              358.00000000  151.59183673    4.00000000  152.79205891
##           windGust                  11.14000000    7.59591837    3.67000000    2.18713275
##           windSpeed                  5.89000000    4.49326531    3.51000000    0.81341458
## tel_aviv  apparentTemperature       28.77000000   22.64591837   17.15000000    3.15235885
##           cloudCover                 0.81000000    0.19693878    0.00000000    0.24908335
##           dewPoint                  14.43000000   12.18244898    9.51000000    1.29219376
##           humidity                   0.74000000    0.52612245    0.34000000    0.09347050
##           ozone                    339.37000000  318.31836735  307.16000000   10.05895835
##           precipIntensity            0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
##           precipProbability          0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
##           pressure                1015.88000000 1013.66265306 1011.73000000    1.12583076
##           temperature               28.77000000   22.64591837   17.15000000    3.15235885
##           uvIndex                   10.00000000    2.40816327    0.00000000    3.56439784
##           visibility                16.09000000   15.87163265   10.01000000    1.07987528
##           windBearing              355.00000000  188.36734694    0.00000000  123.84965581
##           windGust                   5.53000000    3.47775510    1.66000000    1.19411101
##           windSpeed                  4.90000000    2.49285714    0.57000000    1.04899754
## toronto   apparentTemperature        7.88000000    3.27306122    0.49000000    2.24842464
##           cloudCover                 1.00000000    0.59510204    0.00000000    0.43183293
##           dewPoint                   3.05000000   -1.26653061   -5.17000000    2.69193359
##           humidity                   0.82000000    0.59734694    0.37000000    0.14628419
##           ozone                    401.89000000  362.02632653  327.57000000   23.42483179
##           precipIntensity            0.84070000    0.08387551    0.00000000    0.16627247
##           precipProbability          0.51000000    0.06653061    0.00000000    0.11739447
##           pressure                1030.07000000 1025.14918367 1019.55000000    3.22083053
##           temperature                9.99000000    6.38795918    3.03000000    2.02387621
##           uvIndex                    6.00000000    1.40816327    0.00000000    1.84750245
##           visibility                16.09000000   15.14673469    5.13000000    2.83815256
##           windBearing              357.00000000  140.32653061    2.00000000  129.30831820
##           windGust                  11.51000000    7.51020408    2.66000000    2.33711939
##           windSpeed                  7.64000000    4.87510204    1.91000000    1.62389080
## zurich    apparentTemperature       14.30000000    6.88551020    2.01000000    3.14469133
##           cloudCover                 1.00000000    0.80877551    0.37000000    0.15734295
##           dewPoint                   7.23000000    3.38367347   -0.27000000    1.90397030
##           humidity                   0.88000000    0.77551020    0.59000000    0.08304269
##           ozone                    377.57000000  359.81510204  340.69000000   11.33226737
##           precipIntensity            0.26670000    0.07106939    0.00000000    0.05976032
##           precipProbability          0.29000000    0.13326531    0.00000000    0.07816616
##           pressure                1023.55000000 1021.37612245 1017.40000000    1.62120174
##           temperature               14.30000000    7.14510204    2.01000000    3.07049475
##           uvIndex                    4.00000000    1.10204082    0.00000000    1.44690615
##           visibility                16.09000000   12.90938776    3.89000000    4.47872769
##           windBearing              357.00000000  147.61224490   20.00000000  102.66182679
##           windGust                   4.76000000    1.98428571    1.07000000    0.95327506
##           windSpeed                  4.76000000    1.31244898    0.13000000    0.91823774

  1. citation from tidyverse homepage